Monday, February 23, 2009

He Speaks....

I was in my shower last night and I just asked God to speak to me and make it known that He has spoken to me. I didn't want my thoughts to mix with His. So as I was washing ink off my hand that my friend so kindly scribbled on me, I saw this as the same way that God has washed me clean. The sins that the world has scribbled on me and has made me dirty, God can wash them away and make me clean again. But not only that, He has my name engraved on His hand and nothing in this world could erase that. Nothing in this world can take me out of His hand (John 10:29). You see only He can make me clean. I can scrub at the marks that this world has left on me all day and they would not be removed but because of God because of the cross I have been made clean.
God just seems to amaze me all the time. He really speaks to me a lot through images and nature but never have I seen this so plainly. It was as if, as I was wasing the ink off my hand He was showing me that He was doing the same.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You have a very eloquent way of illustrating your points, Britt!
