Sunday, June 28, 2009

Called to Love

I have been thinking a little bit today as I was driving home from work and I was just wondering when we are going to stop being so religious and love like we are told to love.  When are we going to lead the lost to Christ instead of rejecting them because they don't act like, look like, or smell like we do.  Jesus loved the prostitute and never once pointed a finger at anyone.  I don't understand how the church can refuse those that are clearly hurting. The body needs to stop seeing what the world sees and start seeing what Jesus sees.  He never rejected us now how can we reject anyone that is not where we are.  Jesus never once said that we are too far gone but yet some believe there is no use in trying to save those that have fallen.  No one is beyond our reach if we refuse to quit reaching out to them.  It is time to join in and stop rejecting the lost. They will never know the love of Christ if we refuse to share it.  We are the body and that means the heart also.  We need to be that warm touch that breaks through the cold heart. 
I know I am guilty of rejecting those that are not like me.  I have judged and turned away when I could have loved and welcomed them in.  I am ashamed in how I have treated those around me.  When I have not been treated the way I think I should be treated I get upset but that makes me wonder if I am treating those the way they would like to be treated.  I have learned a hard lesson of humility but at times my pride breaks through and I think I deserve to be treated how I want to be treated but I know I will not always be treated how I would like.  Humility is lowering myself.  If I have lowered myself and made myself under those then how am I to be treated.  I am a servant to those around me, I am a servant of God.  If I think that I am higher than others than when I am scolded for my actions then I may get angry but if I am humble and lower myself I will be content in any situation. 
Now how does this tie in to those that are lower than me and not like me? Well if I humble myself then even the prostitute will be seen as higher to me.  No person will be lower than me.  I will not look down on those around me.  All will be treated as the same and with respect.  The homeless will be treated the same as the rich and the prostitute the same as royalty.  No one is higher nor lower.  The body will no longer be separated by religion but held together by love.    

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